Tutor Num 127600
26-30 years old
26-30 years old
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我有香港中文大學哲學碩士學位(以論文為畢業形式),本科在中大主修數學,大學時期數學科目接近全部A Range,為第一屆DSE考生,數學5星星,M25星星。上課會有筆記和練習題目提供,並且可以課餘問數。 I obtained both MPhil INVALID BachlINVALID degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. I got almost all A ranges in Mathematics courses during my undergraduate. I was the first cohort to take the DSE exam scoring 5star in Math, 5doublestar in M2. During my lessoin I shall provide exercises and notes, you are welcomed to ask me math problems off the class.
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Master Degree
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Tutor Num 127600
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