year 3, Science
Home tutoring | Hong Kong Island,Causeway Bay
One day Mon. to Fri.
Male tutor/Female tutor / Full-time Tutor
Case number A240347 | Check-in time 28/04/2021
Language taught in schoolsInternational School
Class time
1.5Hour /二三四:1600後
學生目前是year 3,但課程相當于本地中一中二的程度(化學教到25個元素,物理教到力學)
Tuition address
Hong Kong Island,Causeway Bay,柏景臺
Hong Kong Island,Causeway Bay,柏景臺
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year 3, Science
Home tutoring | Hong Kong Island,Causeway Bay
One day Mon. to Fri.
Male tutor/Female tutor / Full-time Tutor
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