K3, preschool english(Kindergarten)
Home tutoring | Hong Kong Island,Central and Sheung Wan
One day a week
Male tutor/Female tutor / Full-time Tutor
Case number A304832 | Check-in time 09/01/2024
Class time
1.5Hour /一~五18:00後; 六12:30;日10:00?
教 phonics ,prefer 外籍老師/外籍回流老師
Tuition address
Hong Kong Island,Central and Sheung Wan,Cayman Rise
Hong Kong Island,Central and Sheung Wan,Cayman Rise
Tutor message
No message yet
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K3, preschool english(Kindergarten)
Home tutoring | Hong Kong Island,Central and Sheung Wan
One day a week
Male tutor/Female tutor / Full-time Tutor
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