1 to 1/video available | New Territories,Tuen Mun
One day a week
Male tutor/Female tutor / University Graduated
Case number A307411 | Check-in time 26/02/2024
Class time
1.5Hour /星期一晚上 8點後, 星期三全日, 星期四下午 1點後, 星期五晚上 8點後, 星期六 全日, 星期日 全日
This is a finance course called Investment Management. This course's teaching follow the textbook: Bodie, Z., A. Kane and A.J. Marcus, Investments, latest ed., Irwin, McGraw Hill This course will use CEF questions as exam questions. The course content are as follow: Chapter 1: The Investment Environment Chapter 2: Asset Classes and Financial Instruments Chapter 3: How Securities Are Traded Chapter 4: Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies Chapter 5: Learning about Return and Risk from the Historical Record Chapter 17: Macroeconomic & Industry Analysis Chapter 18: Equity Valuation Models Chapter 19: Financial Statement Analysis Chapter 6: Capital Allocation to Risky Assets Chapter 7: Optimal Risky Portfolios Chapter 8: Index Models Chapter 9: The Capital Asset Pricing Model *Chapter 10: Arbitrage Pricing Theory and Multifactor Models of Return *Chapter 11: The Efficient Market Hypothesis *Means optional
Tuition address
New Territories,Tuen Mun,友愛邨/ZOOM
New Territories,Tuen Mun,友愛邨/ZOOM
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1 to 1/video available | New Territories,Tuen Mun
One day a week
Male tutor/Female tutor / University Graduated
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