1 to 1/video available | New Territories,Tuen Mun
One day a week
Male tutor/Female tutor / University Graduated
Case number A307784 | Check-in time 01/03/2024
Class time
1.5Hour /星期一晚上 8點後, 星期三全日, 星期四下午 1點後, 星期五晚上 8點後, 星期六 全日, 星期日 全日
Course Name: Data Structures and Algorithms of Java. This course mainly uses mathematic knowledge to explain concepts, so it will be better if tutor can have great mathematical base. Course Content: I. Algorithm Analysis (Mathematical background, Recursions, Big-o notations, Running time calculation) II. Abstract Data Types (Lists, Stacks, Queues) III. Trees (Tree traversals, Binary trees and binary search trees, AVL trees, B-trees) IV. Hashing (Hash function, Separate chaining, Open addressing, Rehashing) V. Priority Queues (Heaps) {Binary heaps, Applications of priority queues, D-heaps} VI. Sorting (Insertion sort, Shell sort, Heap sort, Merge sort, Quick sort, Bucket sort, External sorting) VII. Graph Algorithms (Topological sort, Shortest-path algorithms, Minimum-span tree)
Tuition address
New Territories,Tuen Mun,ZOOm
New Territories,Tuen Mun,ZOOm
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1 to 1/video available | New Territories,Tuen Mun
One day a week
Male tutor/Female tutor / University Graduated
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