Tutor Num 117987
20-25 years old
20-25 years old
Tutoring Exp
3 years
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Thomas ChanINVALID 長號演奏1級 ATCL (Trinity) 鋼琴8級 ABRSM 香港青年愛樂樂圑 長號首席 南區管弦樂團 長號首席 城市大學管弦樂團 1st Trombone Metropolitan Pop Orchestra 客席長號 曾跟隨樂團到訪荷蘭、德國、瑞士、奧地利參加巡迴演唱及音樂節表演。 亦曾到北京國家大劇院演出,在廣州、上海、深圳、中山等地區亦有演出經驗 亦曾在香港紅磡體育館參與音樂會,並在不同演出中與歌手張敬軒、許廷慳、胡定欣等同台演出。亦曾為國寶級鋼琴大師 劉詩昆 先生作伴奏。 I have been very interested in music since childhood. I have learned trombone INVALID piano since primary school. In terms of trombone, I have obtained the ATCL. I have also participated in different INVALIDchestras, including the Hong Kong Youth Symphonic INVALIDchestra, Metropolitan Pop Orchestra, etc. I am the trombone principal at the Hong Kong Youth Synphonic Orchestra. I joined the INVALIDchestra when she was invited to the NetherlINVALIDs, Germany, Austria, SwitzerlINVALID, Nanjing, Guangzhou etc to participate in competitions INVALID perfINVALIDmances. I have also perfINVALIDmed in the Hong Kong Coliseum to celebrate the New Years festival INVALID being invited as an accompanist of Mr. Hin Cheung. I have also participated in the solo perfINVALIDmances regularly to gain stage experience. I also participated in a solo perfINVALIDmance in Beijing. As a music enthusiast, I devoted myself to the music industry in my career. I will use my life to influence others to bring people to appreciate music. In INVALIDder to pursue my music dream, I have an allrounded training in both instrumental INVALID theINVALIDetic aspects. I believe my teaching will bring oppINVALIDtunities fINVALID my students to receive music education from a topnotch music education INVALID learn with top class resources. I will strive my dreams, develop my student's potential to accomplish my dreams! Only if you can have the best education, will you be successful!
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Beginner-Level 8
Electronic Organ
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Tutor Num 117987
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