Tutor Num 127728
20-25 years old
The Open University of Hong Kong | Global marketing and supply chain management
20-25 years old
Tutoring Exp
No Experience
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各位家長好,如果貴子女需要補習可以找我。 本人現於香港公開大學就讀二年級。現修讀環球市場及供應鏈榮譽工商管理學士。 雖然我的補習經驗並不豐富,但我會盡力而為,協助貴子女尋找屬於自已的學習方法,從而令他們的成績更上一層樓。 我會用三個形容詞形容自己,有責任感、有愛心和有耐心。希望各位家長能考慮本人~ 謝謝! Hello everyone! I'm Phoebe Chen who studied Global Marketing and Supply Chain Management at The Open University of Hong Kong. First, I would regard myself as a helpful and sociable person. Having the motto of ‘To serve but not to be serve.’ in mind. I always try my best to help others in need. Furthermore, I enjoy communicating and chatting with others. It allows me to maintain a stronger bonding with students from different cohorts. This helps me build up a good interpersonal relationship. Moreover, I am hard working so as to boost my academic performance and reach my goals.
Tutoring form
Home tutoring
Tutoring area
Tai Kok Tsui、Tsuen Wan、Lai King Station、Kwai Chung、Kwai Fong、Kwai Hing
K1-Primary 4
All Subjects
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Tutor experience
Used To Be a Tutor at School
Academic qualifications
College Student (degree)
Parent comments
No data
Tuition fee
Tutor Num 127728
The Open University of Hong Kong | Global marketing and supply chain management
Tuition fee
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