Tutor Num 136303
Above 55 years old
Above 55 years old
Tutoring Exp
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Tutoring overview
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With Bachelor of Science in Computing and Information Systems, Master of Science in Technology Management, Master of Business Administration, Doctor of Business Administration, Certified Big Data Consultant, PRINCE2FoundationCertificateinProjectManagement,SunCertifiedProgrammer,SunCertifiedSystemAdministrator,MicrosoftCertifiedSystemsEngineerand21yearsofextensiveexperienceinteachingInformationTechnologysubjectssuchasFoundationMathematics,Programming,DatabasePrinciples,NetworkSecurity,InformationTechnologyApplicationsandInformationTechnologyEssentialsincludingkeyareasofbigdataanalytics,ArtificialIntelligence,FintechandCybersecuritytoHigherDiplomaandFoundationDiplomaStudentsatHongKongInstituteofVocationalEducation. Ihave21 years of handson experience in professional teaching Information Technology modules to the Higher Diploma and Foundation Diploma Students. During the time, I have gained and developed solid learning and teaching skills including customized teaching schedule and scheme of work, preparing online teaching and learning materials and progress reports so as to successfully teach various topics in the IT module which would draw students’ participation and achieve their Module Intended Learning Outcome.
Tutoring form
Home tutoring
Tutoring area
Wan Chai、Causeway Bay、Tseung Kwan O、Lam Tin、Tai Koo
Form 6-Form 7
Maths (M1)
Additional Maths
Information and Communication Technology(ICT)
Main language
Tutor experience
Academic qualifications
Parent comments
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Tuition fee
Tutor Num 136303
Tuition fee
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