Tutor Num 137979
20-25 years old
HSU | Marketing
20-25 years old
Tutoring Exp
4 years
Tutor Features
No data
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可補: 򯜚英文閱讀,聆聽,寫作,說話 򯜚全科(小學) 򯜚IELTS Academic 򯜚Creative Writing 򯜚面試(升小/中/大學) 򯜚旅遊英語 Marketing (BBA/ ASSO/ HDIP) 地點 Zoom 私人補習課室 (土瓜灣) 上門 資歴 AmazingTalker Senior Teacher,私人補習(4年),向外國人士教廣東話,有多名中小學學生,包括拔萃書院、拔萃小學 我擅長聆聽、明白和理解學生的需求和長處,用學生最優秀的一面來達到學習目標 My philosophy is to adopt to every student, offering tailormade solutions to cater the specific needs of each individual. I believe that a language is at its best when it comes intuitively to you. I will be tailormaking learning solutions to each of you throughout the courses. I learned English the fun way, and I would love to share that with you. Including fundamentals, examination skills, and even mentality! To me, passion stands way above other technical stuff. And I shall help you to get better at English in the best version of yourselves! I have also helped students in other subjects, including subjects in Primary Schools. 我擅長為學生度身訂造學習方案,用學生最優秀的一面來達成學習目標。 我相信每個學生都不一樣,我會為每位學生度身訂造最合適的學習方案,讓學生對自己的能力更有信心,獲取理想成績。我最主要幫學生補英文,由文法、串字等基礎,到滿分考試技巧,甚至考試心態,我都會仔細任教。另外,我也會協助學生作出更生動有趣的英文作文,包括我creative writing課程的寫作技巧。此外,我亦會幫小學學生補全科,例如History and Geography, Science, 常識… 個人網頁:https://fistowong.wordpress.com/academiccourses/ Instagram免費學英文: english.with.fisto
Tutoring form
Home tutoring
Tutoring area
Kwun Tong、Ho Man Tin、Kowloon City、To Kwa Wan、Hung Hom、Yau Ma Tei、Tai Kok Tsui、Lam Tin、Choi Hung、Diamond Hill
Primary 1-Primary 6
All Subjects
Primary 1-Form 6
Main language
Tutor experience
Worked In a Tutorial School,全職補習導師
Academic qualifications
University Graduated
Parent comments
No data
Tuition fee
Tutor Num 137979
HSU | Marketing
Tuition fee
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