Tutor Num 97069
36-40 years old
 Success case
Edinburgh Napier University | BA (Hons) Accounting
36-40 years old
Tutoring Exp
3 years
Tutor Features
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本人畢業於海外大學會計系, 對教育充滿熱誠, 旨在啟發學生的學習潛能, 培訓學生責任感, 打好學習基礎, 以應付將來各項挑戰. 除學科成績之外, 同時亦注重品德教育, 為學生之全人發展奠定良好基石. 本人有多年補習經驗, 能對學生因材施教, 同時亦會為學生度身訂造符合其程度之練習及試題, 旨在讓學生接觸多元化試題並從中取得進步. 家長可選擇全英語授課, 以鼓勵學生多聽多說英語, 達至更大進步. 本人亦為大提琴老師, 擁有豐富樂團及指導經驗, 應考皇家音樂學院試之學生均能取得優良或以上成績. 能深入淺出地講解各項音樂理論, 同時以培養學生對音樂之興趣為己任. I was graduated from faculty of account in an overseas university, and enthusiastic to education. My vision aimed to enlightening student\\\'s potential in learning, training up their senses on accountability, and building up their milestone on studies in order to solve the challenges they may face in the future. Other than their performance on academic, I also focusing on student\\\'s manner and assisting them in becoming an all-rounded gentleman / lady. I have years of experience in tutoring and able to teach according to the level of the student. I will also prepare exercise and practices which suit for student\\\'s ability and encourage them to try types of exercises to boarder their view. Teaching in English will also be available for kids who need extra training in English. I am also a cello teacher with ample experience in orchestra and tutoring for a merit or above in ABRSM exams. I am able to explain the theory with simple sentences which assist students in building up their confidence in playing music happily.
Tutoring form
Home tutoring
Tutoring area
Quarry Bay and Tai Koo、Sau Mau Ping、Kwun Tong、Diamond Hill, San Po Kong and Wong Tai Sin、Kowloon Tong、Ho Man Tin、Tseung Kwan O、Sai Kung、Lam Tin、Kowloon Bay
Level 1-Level 9
Primary 1-Form 3
All Subjects
Main language
Tutor experience
Worked In a Tutorial School,全職補習導師
Academic qualifications
University Graduated
Parent comments
No data
Tuition fee
Tutor Num 97069
Edinburgh Napier University | BA (Hons) Accounting
Tuition fee
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